Resultado de la búsqueda EXISTENCE 實存, Total 24 (tarda 0.002136 segundos).

1 year ago
說點題外話。法國“哲學家”搞出一套“哲學”和一堆概念大概專門是為了炮妞用的,見鬼的是很多女性還吃那一套,非得把簡單快樂的yp變成一個虛構複雜的過程:先來個pain of existence,再自我覺悟一番,然後再yp...這電影還挺逗,露得也多,值得一看😂 @2021-07-28 07:18:05
1 year ago
說點題外話。法國“哲學家”搞出一套“哲學”和一堆概念大概專門是為了炮妞用的,見鬼的是很多女性還吃那一套,非得把簡單快樂的yp變成一個虛構複雜的過程:先來個pain of existence,再自我覺悟一番,然後再yp...這電影還挺逗,露得也多,值得一看😂 @2021-07-28 07:18:05
3 years ago
First time to watch that film that I'd been really curious about for years and finally saw it online! The story is very easy and especially for kids though even a high school stude...
3 years ago
ネタバレ! クリックして本文を読む When I went into the hills and vales to survey for the new reservoir, they told me the place was evil. They told me this in Arkham, and because that is a very old...