Resultado de la búsqueda Barbara Pollard, Total 52 (tarda 0.001654 segundos).

3 years ago
4 years ago
Where was the NSA before this Santa Barbara rampage happened?
4 years ago
Kyss mig+Die Konkurrentin. Cate Blanchett+Anna Torv+Barbara Rudnik= Ina Weisse.
3 years ago
Barbara Carrera was super hot and a young Mr. Bean (Rowan Atkinson) played a small part.
3 years ago
A very intelligent movie made by two very intelligent people: Barbara and Robert. A romantic movie that has a heart.10 out of 10
3 years ago
A very intelligent movie made by two very intelligent people: Barbara and Robert. A romantic movie that has a heart.10 out of 10
3 years ago
A very intelligent movie made by two very intelligent people: Barbara and Robert. A romantic movie that has a heart.10 out of 10
3 years ago
A very intelligent movie made by two very intelligent people: Barbara and Robert. A romantic movie that has a heart.10 out of 10
3 years ago
A very intelligent movie made by two very intelligent people: Barbara and Robert. A romantic movie that has a heart.10 out of 10
3 years ago
A very intelligent movie made by two very intelligent people: Barbara and Robert. A romantic movie that has a heart.10 out of 10
4 years ago
2 years ago
Mr. Freeze的深情總是看得人神傷 真·好男人TT 還有看到在這還活蹦亂跳的Barbara真是格外油桑>
5 years ago
Barbara Stanwyck提升了這部優秀的情節劇。她一如既往地非常棒。偉大的配角,良好的劇本。精美的製作,精美的經典。
5 years ago
Barbara Stanwyck提升了這部優秀的情節劇。她一如既往地非常棒。偉大的配角,良好的劇本。精美的製作,精美的經典。
3 years ago
國英雙語內封中字 國語音軌缺失片段不少,大美女Barbara Parkins在40多分鐘才出場 應該把不必要片段縮一下,前面像是喜劇
2 years ago
Barbara Loden directs and stars in this Bonnie & Clyde-esque road movie that echoes some of the crossroads energy from Badlands, The Brown Bunny, or a Takeshi Kitano movie. Perhaps...
3 years ago
第一季很多選手準備都不充分,帶著一個idea,沒有sales,很少的宣傳就來參加節目了,結果自然不會如意。Barbara性格討喜,對每個選手都很尊重,給的價格也比較fair,比較少明顯壓價。Kevin O是節目裡面的壞人了,雖然我幾乎同意他說的所有話,但是說話的方式有點太過了。Robert有時和Kevin對著幹,不知為什麼感覺有點刻意,在塑造一個和Kevin...
4 years ago

Candy revisión en Red Lines.

5 years ago
來自ACE的Barbara Pokras的伍德斯托克電影節回顧 乍一看,你可能會認為Razan Shalab al-Sham和Mouaz Moustafa只是你平均年輕的中東專業人士 - 聰明,精明和技術嫻熟。事實並非平均 - 這兩者是革命者。他們是一個致命的合作夥伴,致力於建立一個世俗的,民主的敘利亞,風險是巨大的。敘利亞緊急工作組執行主任穆阿茲在國際舞...

Fitch revisión en Red Lines.

5 years ago
來自ACE的Barbara Pokras的伍德斯托克電影節回顧 乍一看,你可能會認為Razan Shalab al-Sham和Mouaz Moustafa只是你平均年輕的中東專業人士 - 聰明,精明和技術嫻熟。事實並非平均 - 這兩者是革命者。他們是一個致命的合作夥伴,致力於建立一個世俗的,民主的敘利亞,風險是巨大的。敘利亞緊急工作組執行主任穆阿茲在國際舞...