Resultado de la búsqueda seat, Total 6 (tarda 0.001059 segundos).

4 years ago
Kels ❤️ The film was quite educational and ironocally funny | "I did an episode of 'Frasier' with my friend Kelsey Grammer once." Danny Kriezel (John McGinley) in "Seat of Power" 2...
4 years ago
Kels ❤️ The film was quite educational and ironocally funny | "I did an episode of 'Frasier' with my friend Kelsey Grammer once." Danny Kriezel (John McGinley) in "Seat of Power" 2...
2 years ago
This little black-and-white indie is a sorrowful tale of trailer life in America. It is a Cassavetes\' Faces fly-on-the-wall sort of tale where a challenging abusive parenting melo...
3 years ago
平均年齡60歲的動作明星,真是看一部少一部。傑森·斯坦森的刀耍得一如既往的酷!-You might wanna get out of this seat, Chistmas is coming. -But it's june! 班德拉斯的話癆神經病屬性太萌啦~ 李連杰還是醬油男,最後還跟州長大人賣了個腐。
3 years ago
作為全首映式唯一的黃種人,我跟著一堆老黑的媒體混了個reserved seat,想象如果槍擊發生,新聞爆出可能是全場黑人型男靚女之外還有黃皮膚亞洲人一定很逗…說回來…電影好長,但是rap屆的祖宗們基本都出現了;很多地方配樂出來是全場合唱;唯一的問題是拍80年代末期的感覺差點意思~
3 years ago
ネタバレ! クリックして本文を読む It\'s interesting because you see the Orgone.   ーPretty much. Exactly, it\'s exactly the description of Orgone. But they all exactly say the same as the first tri...