Resultado de la búsqueda 237, Total 3 (tarda 0.001123 segundos).

Jan,23 2012 EN LOS CINES
A subjective documentary that explores various theories about hidden meanings in Stanley Kubrick's classic film The Shining. Five very different points of view are illuminated thro...
Jan,23 2012 EN LOS CINES
導演史坦利庫布裡克與作家史蒂芬金對《鬼店》到底有何歧異詮釋?主人翁傑克在宴會廳酒吧為何引用英國作家吉卜林的詩?是誰開啟儲藏室門的鎖?片尾字幕結束後的鬼魂對話到底-是何含意?印地安原住民信仰符碼到底有何功用?《閃靈》鬧鬼房號從原著217 改成237,是拍攝場景飯店經理抗議還是另有居心?五位專家抽絲剝繭分析隱藏線索,影史三十年祕辛即將揭曉。從年度爛片到影史傑作,...
Jan,01 2012 EN LOS CINES