Resultado de la búsqueda Dispatch, Total 11 (tarda 0.001661 segundos).

Jan,01 2009 EN LOS CINES
導演: Steven Sprung 編劇: Michael Bershad 型別: 劇情 製片國家/地區: 美國 語言: 英語 上映日期: 2009 IMDb連結: tt1394322
Jan,01 1979 EN LOS CINES
Dispatch, begins with oscillating greyish surface modulations that move sideways on the screen, rendering our view a partial window to some larger movement taking place. Geographic...
Jul,30 2020 EN LOS CINES
Dec,09 2021 EN LOS CINES
A love letter to journalists set in an outpost of an American newspaper in a fictional 20th-century French city that brings to life a collection of stories published in "The French...
Jan,01 2015 EN LOS CINES
Jan,06 2022 EN LOS CINES
In the fictional French town of Ennui-sur-Blase, an American journalist from Kansas sets up a weekly magazine called "The French Dispatch", which reports on local issues. The movie...
Jan,01 1940 EN LOS CINES
German Julius Reuter sends 19th-century news by carrier pigeon and then by wire, founding a news agency.
Jan,01 2021 EN LOS CINES
. `프렌치 디스패치`의 마지막 뉴스레터 화려한 피날레를 장식하다!  20세기 초 프랑스에 위치한 오래된 가상의 도시 블라제 다양한 사건의 희로애락을 담아내는 미국 매거진 `프렌치 디스패치` 어느 날, 갑작스러운 편집장의 죽음으로 최정예 저널리스트들이 한자리에 모이고 마지막 발행본에 실을 4개의 특종에 대한 이야기를 시...
Dec,10 2021 EN LOS CINES
鬼才導演威斯安德森衆所矚目的《法蘭西特派週報》,故事從二十世紀法國一間美國報社萌芽,一家駐法國城市的美國雜誌社,將一段又一段的精采故事放送給世人。藉由三則引人入勝的專題報導,帶着觀衆展開冒險奇想。 該片爲好萊塢獨樹一格的風格名導威斯安德森所執導的第十部電影鉅作,每次出手便成爲影壇經典,威斯安德森獨樹一格的電影美學風格及獨特的拍攝手法,往往都能號召一票巨...
Oct,16 2020 EN LOS CINES
《法蘭西快報》(英語:The French Dispatch of the Liberty, Kansas Evening Sun,縮寫爲:The French Dispatch)是一部預定於2020年上映的美國喜劇劇情片,由魏斯·安德森編劇和執導。其主演包括蒂妲·絲雲頓、法蘭西絲·麥朵曼、比爾·莫瑞、...