Resultado de la búsqueda Albert Carbó, Total 36 (tarda 0.001484 segundos).

Jan,01 1990 EN LOS CINES
McFly document their recent show stopping 10th anniversary celebrations at London's prestigious Royal Albert Hall. Across four incredible sold-out nights, the band – Tom Fletcher, ...
Sep,25 2015 EN LOS CINES
From the pastoral landscapes of Beethoven's Symphony No. 6 to the vibrant folk scenes of Strauss' sound-poem Till Eulenspiegels lustige Streiche and Dvoak's Violin Concerto, this P...
Sep,25 2015 EN LOS CINES
Sep,14 2015 EN LOS CINES
2015 was a year of landmark events for Eric Clapton. He turned 70 in March and then in May he performed his 200th concert at London's famous Royal Albert Hall fifty years after his...
Jan,01 1990 EN LOS CINES
Kylie makes her first ever headline appearance at the Royal Albert Hall performing for one night only to celebrate the release of her Christmas album. Kylie performs a host of Chri...
Jun,30 2014 EN LOS CINES
Show recorded at the famous Royal Albert Hall on October 24th, 2013 in London spanning all the old Genesis classics. Special guests include Ray Wilson (ex Stiltskin, ex Genesis), J...
Jan,01 1990 EN LOS CINES
Ziltoid Live at the Royal Albert Hall is a live release by the Devin Townsend Project of a concert performed on April 13, 2015. It features the entirety of Dark Matters as well as ...
Oct,31 2013 EN LOS CINES
On October 29, 2013, blues-rock star Joe Bonamassa will release Tour De Force – Live In London (J&R Adventures), an unprecedented live concert event unfolding over four DVDs record...
Nov,25 2011 EN LOS CINES
全世界最偉大的愛情故事,史上最成功的音樂劇即將前所未有,首次錄製完整呈現!榮獲7項東尼獎歌劇魅影自1986年首演以來,迄今已經在舞臺上閃耀了超過10,000場, 卻從未被錄製成電影過,而本片即為影史上第一部,紀念歌劇魅影25週年身歷其境舞臺版!適逢2011年為此劇上演二十五週年,官方特別決定於十月在英國倫敦皇家阿爾伯特音樂廳舉辦二十五週年完整紀念演出,並啟用...
Oct,02 2011 EN LOS CINES
皇家阿爾伯特音樂廳的《歌劇魅影》是2011年英國電影改編的安德魯·勞埃德·韋伯(Andrew Lloyd Webber)1986年的音樂劇《歌劇魅影》,改編自加斯頓·勒魯(Gaston Leroux)創作的1910年法國小說《歌劇魅影》。 這是一場爲慶祝音樂劇《劇院魅影》成功上演25週年的特別演出,地點在英國倫...
Jan,01 2011 EN LOS CINES
A disfigured musical genius, hidden away in the Paris Opera House, terrorises the opera company for the unwitting benefit of a young protégée whom he trains and loves. The 25th ann...
Nov,29 2011 EN LOS CINES
Adele將那些心碎的回憶,化為糾結人心的浪漫旋律,從自彈自唱的宅女搖身一變成為叱吒風雲的流行女王。2011年9月22日,Adele首度登上全球歌者的終極聖殿——英國倫敦皇家愛爾伯特音樂廳,《Live At The Royal Albert Hall》完整記錄了這一票難求的演唱會完整實況。 ...