Resultado de la búsqueda 街角再遇Bob, Total 1318 (tarda 0.001201 segundos).

May,09 2014 EN LOS CINES
Dennis Morris, photographer for Jamaican reggae singer-songwriter Bob Marley during the 1970's, tells the stories behind many of his iconic images of the musician taken at concerts...
Jan,01 2014 EN LOS CINES
After blowing his chance to play college football by bombing the S.A.T.s, Anferny Fertado joins an underground football league at the drug store of his summer job. He joins the tea...
Jul,09 2015 EN LOS CINES
Chinatown is a place where crime and betrayal are rampant. Violent crime detective Ko Jeong-hyeok (Seo Joon-yeong) can't rest a day. He tries to rid the streets of criminals but he...
Synopsis is not available.
Nov,04 2011 EN LOS CINES
阿敏是生活在香港的北角,她貧窮、麻木但是又樂觀、堅強。 阿敏的小兒子小武患有多動症,為給兒子治病,她賣掉了裁縫鋪開始做保險。 大兒子...
Jul,05 2015 EN LOS CINES
本片藉由新舊黑幫角頭的反差,直指新世代年輕人已漸漸消逝的忠!信!義!以引起觀眾的共鳴。 「角頭。做兄弟的,今天公祭明天就忘記」 建國市場多年來由頂莊角頭老大勇桑(蔡振南 飾)管理經營,這座養活無數家庭有人情味的市場,即將成為了角頭間利益糾葛的引爆點。 《角頭》(英語:Gatao,臺語:Kak-thâu)是一部2015年臺灣黑道電影,由黃鴻升、孫鵬、王陽明、蔡...
Jan,01 2022 EN LOS CINES
Jan,01 2010 EN LOS CINES
. 작고 사랑스러운 동물들은 상처받은 영혼을 치유하는 능력이 있다. 이 영화 속 작은 고양이는 어머니의 죽음으로 인해 휘청거리는 클레어를 치유할 뿐만 아니라 외로운 록 음악가와 사랑에 빠지는 것을 도와준다. 자신만의 세계에서 살아가던 그녀는 제임스를 만나면서 삶에 새로운 의미를 선물해준 길 잃은 고양이를 받아들이고, 막...
Jan,01 1986 EN LOS CINES
When Otomo Katsuhiro saw his manga Good Weather credited as the “original novel” he burst out laughing. There’s not an iota of his book anywhere in the film. Made in the same year ...
Nov,25 2016 EN LOS CINES
Landing in the paradise of Thailand, cross cutting back to the main characters past life in New York, Erik ( Johan Matton) a young writer dependent on the love of his life Joanna (...
Feb,15 2018 EN LOS CINES
《角頭2:王者再起》延續《角頭》「今天公祭,明天忘記」、「歹路不可行」的警世主旨,導演顏正國以過來人的身分表示,拍攝黑幫電影,是想以自身成長經驗中所付出的代價警惕年輕學子不宜輕易以身試法,黑道險惡難行,做兄弟的,到頭來就是一首悲歌! 《角頭2:王者再起》故事描述仁哥(王識賢 飾演)面對曾經的好兄弟,如今卻「走味」變成『最換帖的敵人』的劉健(鄒...
Feb,14 2018 EN LOS CINES
《角頭2:王者再起 GATAO 2-Rise of the king》延續《角頭》「今天公祭,明天忘記」、「歹路不可行」的警世主旨,導演顏正國以過來人的身分表示,拍攝黑幫電影,是想以自身成長經驗中所付出的代價警惕年輕學子不宜輕易以身試法,黑道險惡難行,做兄弟的,到頭來就是一首悲歌! 《角頭2:王者再起》故事描述仁哥(王識賢 飾演)面對曾經的好兄弟,如今...
Jan,01 2020 EN LOS CINES
. 은 서로 다른 배경을 가진 두 사람이 1971년 맨해튼에서 우연히 마주친 후 49년을 함께 한 이야기다. 세상이 그들을 서로에게서 멀어지게 하려 할 때, 이들은 그 풍파를 견디며 만남을 지켜왔다. 이 영화는 연민과 수용에 대한 새로운 이론을 상정하는 것이 아닌, 사랑이 진정한 사랑이라는 오래된 격언을 상기시킨다. (...
Jan,26 2015 EN LOS CINES
Bob, a 50-year-old logger in rural Massachusetts with a soft spot for golf and gangsta rap, is struggling to make ends meet in a changed economy. When his beloved cow is wounded an...
Jan,01 1990 EN LOS CINES
'Whispering' Bob Harris journeys to America's country music capital to reveal why Nashville became Music City USA. From the beginnings of the Grand Ole Opry on commercial radio, th...
Oct,09 2014 EN LOS CINES
Bob Geldof grew up listening to the radio on the outskirts of Dublin, where his loneliness and resentment of prescribed drudgery manifested itself in an all-consuming desire to esc...
Oct,07 2014 EN LOS CINES
Oct,27 2015 EN LOS CINES
Joe Nation wants to go viral on YouTube and reach Internet fame. But things take a turn for the worse when he mistakenly hires Bob Thunder, a cold-blooded killer, to help him.
Apr,22 2015 EN LOS CINES
Jan,24 2016 EN LOS CINES
Independent filmmaker Caveh Zahedi meets his childhood idol.