Resultado de la búsqueda Aim High In Creation, Total 6 (tarda 0.001526 segundos).

Jan,01 1990 EN LOS CINES
A revolutionary film about the cinematic genius of North Korea's late Dear Leader Kim Jung-IL, with a groundbreaking experiment at its heart - a propaganda film, made according to ...
Jan,01 2013 EN LOS CINES
Jan,01 1990 EN LOS CINES
Between 1978 and 1979, the inhabitants of the Oise are in fear of a maniac who kills several hitchhikers and escape the police. He was then dubbed "the killer of the Oise" is actua...
Oct,14 2005 EN LOS CINES
《死亡之屋2 House of the Dead 2: Dead Aim》(也稱爲“死者之屋II”,也稱爲“死者之屋II:死者目標”)是2005年美國動作恐怖片和2003年恐怖片“死者之屋”的續集。 奎斯塔維達大學中,精神異常的古靈教授(Sid Haig 飾)爲了進行起死回生的實驗...