Resultado de la búsqueda Drone, Total 10 (tarda 0.002054 segundos).

Jan,01 2014 EN LOS CINES
DRONE is a documentary about the covert CIA drone war. Through voices on both sides of this new technology, DRONE reveals crucial information about the drone war in Pakistan and of...
Jan,01 2013 EN LOS CINES
Jan,01 1990 EN LOS CINES
Drone mounted cameras fly around capturing people in the act... of love.
Mar,30 2016 EN LOS CINES
When drones arrive in a flash, slaughtering humanity and stripping the Earth of its resources, a small team of scientists hiding in Los Angeles works to expel the drone menace once...
Jan,01 2018 EN LOS CINES
. 가족들 모르게 비밀리에 기밀 작전을 수행하고, 일을 마친 후에는 평범한 가장으로 돌아가는 드론 컨트롤러 ‘닐’ 어느 날, 닐의 아버지의 배를 사고싶다며 낯선 이방인 ‘이미르’가 닐의 집을 찾아온다. 닐은 이미르를 저녁식사에 초대하고 식사 중에 이미르는 일년 전, 닐이 발사한 드론 미사일의 민간인 피해자 가족이라...
May,13 2014 EN LOS CINES
Flying through a firework show with a DJI Phantom 2 and filming it with a GoPro Hero 3 silver. The quad was not damaged.
Mar,20 2015 EN LOS CINES
Apr,17 2017 EN LOS CINES
Bean plays a private drone contractor who spends his workdays flying covert missions then returns to a family life of suburban mediocrity — without his wife or son knowing about hi...
Oct,30 2013 EN LOS CINES
This documentary from Brave New Foundation and director Robert Greenwald, investigates the impact of U.S. drone strikes at home and abroad through more than 70 separate interviews,...
Jan,01 1970 EN LOS CINES
《無人機大戰 Drone Wars》一瞬間,入侵開始並結束。到處都是煙和火,天空四處亂飛,上面的各個方向盤旋數英里。這些戰艦收割了地球上的所有資源,而德隆人則巡邏了這座如今已淪爲廢墟的城市,清除了他們認爲具有威脅性的任何東西。人類倖存者聚集在一起,拼命試圖使他們曾經擁有的任何正常狀態復活。在混亂之中,一小隊科學家躲在洛杉磯的大腸中,他們被用來戰勝無人機並一勞...