Resultado de la búsqueda Durarara X2 My Heart Is in the Pattern of a Hot Pot, Total 4 (tarda 0.001566 segundos).

Jan,01 2010 EN LOS CINES
在池袋甚囂塵上的無頭騎士,其尋頭之旅將引來軒然大波! 「實在太有趣了。實在太有趣了。實在太有趣了。」 這個地方一直有我不知道的事情不斷不斷不斷地湧現、誕生、消逝。 就是因為這樣,才讓我離不開人類群居的地方!人類、LOVE! 我最喜歡人類了!我愛你們!」 位於東京的池袋,這裡聚集了許多不尋常的傢伙。 嚮往非日常的少年、愛找碴的小混混、跟蹤狂的電波系少女、 以作...
Jan,01 2016 EN LOS CINES
A fake Shizuo from Numabukuro is causing chaos in Ikebukuro.
Jan,01 2015 EN LOS CINES
In spite of the mayhem that has been taking place in Ikebukuro, Shinra Kishitani and Celty Sturluson have decided to go on a short trip. Excited to finally be going out with the on...
Jan,01 2015 EN LOS CINES
One night, Mikado Ryuugamine accepts an invitation to Shinra Kishitani's apartment, eager to talk to Celty as quite some time has passed since the two last spoke. But, much to his ...