Resultado de la búsqueda Eva Ugarte, Total 34 (tarda 0.002929 segundos).

Jan,01 1990 EN LOS CINES
Set in 2041, humans of planet Earth now live side-by-side with androids. A well-known cybernetic engineer, Alex Garel, is tasked with an assignment to create a robot in the form of...
Oct,26 2012 EN LOS CINES
一切近乎完美,唯獨感情沒有程式 三人糾葛難解的祕密,也將浮出水面… 2041年,全世界為雪覆蓋。 知名的人工智慧科學家艾力,在離家十年後,受校友茱莉亞之邀、回到家鄉接手一項機器人男孩的精密設計,要賦予它人的心智和感情;沒想到迎接他的卻是極其巨大的變化…。 在這裡,艾力與前女友拉娜再度重逢,卻得知她已嫁給了他的弟弟大衛,兩人還擁有一個美麗聰穎的十歲女兒夏娃…。...
Jan,01 2015 EN LOS CINES
Sep,24 2015 EN LOS CINES
The story is about Eva, a Ukrainian girl who has come to Milan to work as a model. As soon as she arrives in Italy she attracts the attention of the male world. All of the men that...
Sep,11 2015 EN LOS CINES
Eva would do anything to regain the love of the one she hurt the most - her son. She is a recovered alcoholic but decades ago she was a famous actress.
Jun,17 2015 EN LOS CINES
Feb,09 2015 EN LOS CINES
Eva Braun takes inspiration from the actual sex scandals in the Italian Parliament and the 120 Days of Sodoma by Marquis De Sade. This mix create a grotesque journey through power,...
Jan,06 2017 EN LOS CINES
Feb,27 2016 EN LOS CINES
German American artist Eva Hesse (1936 – 1970) created her innovative art in latex and fiberglass in the whirling aesthetic vortex of 1960s New York. Her flowing forms were in part...
Jan,01 1990 EN LOS CINES
導演: Marcie Begleiter 編劇: Marcie Begleiter 主演: Eva Hesse 型別: 紀錄片 製片國家/地區: 美國 語言: 英語 IMDb連結: tt360...
Sep,23 2011 EN LOS CINES
A raw Welsh novelist in Venice is humiliated by a money-loving Frenchwoman who erotically ensnares him.
Jan,13 2015 EN LOS CINES
Guilt ridden mother seeks to enact her vengeance against her daughter's killers. With detectives closing in, Eva transforms into a vengeful God.
Feb,14 2014 EN LOS CINES
Eva has returned from her trip to Europe. Back at home, she receives a suspicious invitation to a dinner birthday party of one of her neighbors, without knowing that this is a roma...
Jan,01 2017 EN LOS CINES
. 통가는 남태평양에 마지막 남은 입헌군주국으로 정식 국가 명칭은 '통가왕국'. 통가에서 열리는 '트랜스젠더 미인 대회'는 수상자에게 장학금을 지원하고 있다. 학교를 중퇴한 에바도 장학금에뜻이 있다. 그녀의 인생에서 가장 중요한 대회의 전날, 에바는몰몬교를 믿는 가족으로부터 대회 참가를 할 거면 집을 나가라는 최후의 통...
Jan,01 2019 EN LOS CINES
. 는 젊은 에바가 자아를 발견해 나가는 과정에서 스스로를 공공의 볼거리로 만들어버리는 인터넷 시대의 단면을 포착한다. 그 속에서 에바는 ‘여자는 곧 어떠해야 한다’는 사회적 인식에 도전한다. 에바의 파편화된 성격들은 단일하게 고정된 정체성이라는 개념이 이제는 옛말이 되어버리고 새 시대가 등장했음을 드러낸다. 현대적 실...
Jan,01 2011 EN LOS CINES
Jun,13 2013 EN LOS CINES
Jan,01 1990 EN LOS CINES
The strangest thing about this story is that it's true. In 1952, Argentina's beloved First Lady, Eva Perón, died of cancer at the age of thirty-three. A renowned embalmer was commi...
Jan,01 2010 EN LOS CINES
Apr,01 2016 EN LOS CINES
改編自義大利政商名流的性愛醜聞 異色詮釋法國變態哲學家薩德侯爵作品「索多瑪120天」 「如果通往成功的道路,佈滿無邊的病態荒淫,你有種踏出這一步嗎?」 根據真實的性愛醜聞改編,並以薩德的索多瑪120天、薄伽丘的十日談 爲藍本,一羣男女聚首於莊園,經驗彼此對權力與性慾的傲慢與貪婪。 皮耶—有錢有權的大亨,優雅、幽默嘲諷、受高等教育,在性愛方面有 着與衆不同的...