Resultado de la búsqueda seat, Total 11 (tarda 0.001723 segundos).

Jan,26 2014 EN LOS CINES
Seat 26D explores the inexpressible. With scale models built of paper, digital animation and live action, it reconstructs a passenger’s memory of a plane crash. Early morning, Dece...
Aug,14 2015 EN LOS CINES
Double Seat is a story of newly wed lovebirds Amit and Manjiri struggling to find their private space in overwhelming city of Mumbai.
Jan,20 2017 EN LOS CINES
Teen Andrea uses a male stripper to gain the respect and admiration of cool girl Daphne. Hot Seat, which is based on a true story, explores coming-of-age sexuality and the complexi...
Jan,01 1990 EN LOS CINES
Chemical flame retardants are everywhere: on our furniture, our homes, even our bodies. Yet, they don't seem to stop fires...but they do make us sick. This film reveals how three c...
Jan,01 2016 EN LOS CINES
Jan,01 2016 EN LOS CINES
Jan,01 2013 EN LOS CINES
Jan,01 2022 EN LOS CINES
. 공시생인 영수와 경석은 공무원시험에 매번 떨어져 앞날이 암담하다.영수의 여자친구인 혜선은 5년째 공무원 시험을 준비하는 영수가 또 공무원 시험에 떨어진 것을 알게 되자, 더 이상은 못 기다리겠다며 헤어지자고 한다. 영수는 사랑하는 혜선을 붙잡기 위해 거짓으로 공무원시험에 붙었다고 거짓말을 하게 된다.한편, 3년간 공...
Aug,05 2004 EN LOS CINES
Oct,14 2022 EN LOS CINES
《迴路追殺令》奧斯卡獲得者梅爾吉勃遜執導最新火爆喜劇片 《月球隕落》《鋼鐵墳墓》編劇打造出多巴胺爆發驚悚片 炸藥倒數一星期!他能否洗清自己的嫌疑? 《驚爆倒數60分鐘》金盆洗手的前黑客邁阿密 (凱文狄倫 飾) 假日在該公司加班,忽然找到座位底下被放了定時炸藥,一名謎樣人藉此為威脅,拒絕邁阿密駭入金融機構該系統為他盜取錢財。與此同時,拆彈專...